Rise of the tomb raider the lost city tomb how to open
Rise of the tomb raider the lost city tomb how to open

rise of the tomb raider the lost city tomb how to open

Another aspect regarding the documents is that they reward players with experience points, which is mandatory for those who want to build the Lara skill tree faster. Lara’s journals are automatically added to the collection, so players don’t have to worry about them during the game, you just need to visit all the camps. Ive tried multiple times and got quite far but lost that data because the game. The Tomb Raider Papers hide in various places on the island. open rise of the tomb raider open a save or what not. This far into the Tomb Raider reboot sequel, your goal is to save Jacobs people and. Head upstairs and to the right, shoot down the barricade, jump across the gap. Heres how to get through the Lost City in Rise of the Tomb Raider.

rise of the tomb raider the lost city tomb how to open

NEW Blood Ties Single Player Story - In the wake of. When the fight is over,head into the alcove thats not on fire and use your axe to turn the crank and open the door. When the wooden bucket is half full, it weighs about the same as the golden bucket, and the beam balances. The goal is to close the bucket before all the water drains out. Once you are back in control of Lara proceed forwards along the Cliffside path. Aim a little bit above the latch and then shoot it once more as the bucket rises. Objective: Search for ruins in the cliffs. Her quest to explain immortality leads her to Siberia, home of a mythical city known as Kitezh. Now shoot the latch again to open the bucket so the water begins to drain out. After the events of the previous game, Lara spends one year searching to explain what she saw. Documents that take the form of books, and can be used to discover many secrets of the island, and even the journals belonging to the crew members of the Endurance, or the Lara magazines. Hi, I am stuck in the Lost City just above Citadel Plaza Camp. As she races to find the secret before Trinity, the trail leads to a myth about the Lost City of Kitezh. A follow up to 2013's Tomb Raider reboot. Tomb Raider Document Locations can be found in all missions of the game and you can obtain them to be able to improve your experience. The Tomb Raider Document Locations Guide will help you collect all the documents.

Rise of the tomb raider the lost city tomb how to open